Sunday, April 26, 2009

Road Rage, Creativity and License

Independence, free country, democracy, 21st century, my space, free will....

Oft quoted popular personality in college says that regulation is the best initiator for corruption in the country. Nothing very pontific about the statement at first sight. Always having been forced to live a life of denial we can get nasty when let loose and run amok over roads, rules and people. I have been driving those imported (at 200% customs duty) Porsches ever since I grew my first pimple and boy, I don't really give a fuck if I crash into you insane kids trying to cross Marine Drive at the signal. Why don't you guys sympathize with me? There are so many horses under the hood that you aint ever gonna see in your life and you telling me I shouldn't push them for all their worth? Road kya tera baap ka hai kya madarchod ? 

Ban on on-smoking? Whose this Ramadoss to tell me what youth infer from my on-screen exploits? Has he ever visited any Hospital and met up with those docs working at the ICU who smoke all the time before and after any operation. It calms their nerves. It gets my creative juices flowing on screen. I transform into a new character and the audience love it when I flick that ciggy on to my mouth. How dare the government dare to infringe on an artist's territory? 

Screw the rules. We live in an independent country. We can say whatever we want to, write what ever (arbit) shit that we want to (intentional or otherwise) and do what ever we want to. All it takes is some recklessness...

P.S: A hurried post at the close of a shitty week...


  1. he he he..i can empathize with u buddy....
    but somehow we live surrounded with people who keep tellin us what to do and how to do...
    can be bloody frustrating sometimes.....
