Thursday, September 18, 2008

1/6th MBA

Back home for my first term vacations..As the nick says it am 1/6th through with this course..

Lotsa pleasant memories from the first 2 months at IIMI. Notable among them are:

1) I could finally balance my B/S :D ...(This new method taught by Prof Kanagaraj is too cool..You put an entry here and you put one on the other side..Presto! B/S is no more BS

2) Organizational behavior is a wunderffful subject and the only one where you dont need to pre-read (Its a different issue that there are no marks for CP and interestingly the one subject that generates the maximum CP )

Many events coming up over the next term starting off with the Indore Marathon on 2nd October 2008. If you are around the area, dont miss it!

Go here to register for the Marathon ->
